Sunday, November 14, 2010

Testing BlogBooster

Ok, so I was disappointed by meblog's typing interface. I mean, come on, that's the most important part of a blogging application! I am trying another app called BlogBooster, that has been around the block a little longer. The interface appears satisfactory. Unfortunately, the formatting buttons seem not to work at ALL. Come on people. It can't be that hard.

Picture test: I can title the picture with BlogBooster BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Testing "meblog"

Wow. I was recently reminded of this blog. I figured I'll try it out again for a bit, using my iPhone this time. Currently I am typing using the landscape mode of my phone, in an app called meblog. I think they just reversed the name of another app: (with a better flowing name) blogme. Perhaps they should call this MyBlog instead. It's simple and effective, however needs more polish. A WYSIWYG Interface would be better. Also, the simple HTML tag commands suck because they don't work with highlighted text. They just add beginning and ending notations for the code one after another. Which is pretty useless.

Well let's see how this works out anyway.