Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Wonders

At first I thought it was kind of weird that they would be picking 7 new wonders of the world, but then I found out that the only ones that still exist are the pyramids at Giza, so I guess it makes sense that people would want new ones that they can actually see. I also realized that I don't remember what the old ones were, other than the pyramids and the hanging gardens of Babylon. My dad said something about a Colossus of Rhodes, but even he can't remember all seven. Anyway, here's the list of the new ones they're going to vote on and the article. AOL News - New Seven Wonders of World to Be Chosen in 2007 AOL News: Top News - Full List of Candidate Sites

1 comment:

Amit said...

Yeah you know what, I realized that I never really knew all of the seven wonders... new or old or ancient.... I was watching the history hannel one day and they mentioned a Indian temple in South America as an ancient wonder, and that got me curious enough to do an extensive google search on the various lists of "wonders". Too bad none of the ancient ones still exist, I'm sure they would have been wonderful experiences to observe.