Wednesday, November 22, 2006

2 months already?

It's been a while since my last post. That's how much fun you have on rotations - you don't even keep track of time. So I am sure a lot has happened, but I can't be expected to remember it all. As of recently, saw Casino Royale... pretty good acting by Craig.. movie iteself was 7 out of 10. Went to a Lewis Black convert last night at Blaisdell... I thought the opening act of John Bowman was funnier. But it was enjoyable nonetheless. Today, I am sitting in my "office" looking at my appointments in the Adult Medicine Clinic... and guess what.. it's empty. What does this mean? No, I can't go home at 8:30 am.... It means that they're screwing with me. Just when I think I am done, they'll schedule me with 3 patients. So I will eagerly await in the clinic, clicking refresh every 5 min to make sure I don't have patients. Sounds like fun! Woohoo!
Though on a more permanently scheduled note, I have didactics on Wednesday afternoons, so I know I have no work this afternoon. Which means that I am definitely done by 2pm as today's 2pm lecture will be one of those "Hey guys, Have a Happy Thanksgiving, see you next week!" deal.

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