Tuesday, March 27, 2007

God of War II

Well the sequel to the best game I have ever played (or maybe second best after Resident Evil 4, its SO hard to decide) was finally released this month. Good thing I have a free game rental every month with Blockbuster online! I have only started to play this game, and I don't see many differences yet from the previous game in terms of gameplay and moves, but who cares! GoW was so much fun that I am happy to just play some more.

And I know there's more stuff coming... I have yet to unlock any of the new weapons and I am anxious to see how they'll act out in combat. Plus its just so much fun using the default weapons... and you start off with full expert proficiency with these basic weapons (athena's blades) that were the final/best weapons in GoW. Anyway, more later on how the game panned out.

So far, as quoted by Rolling Stones in Supersize Me, "I'm loving it..."


I saw this movie at 1030 am on the day it came out since I happened to be post call. I have to say, it was well worth the wait the past few months. It's probably the best visual and action film I have seen in a while. It was a pleasure watching almot every fight scence in a surreal, comic book style.

One example of the rich depth offered by the characters is King Xerxes as shown above in his well decorated ambisexual manner. The scenes from the movie were abosultely breathtaking.

The action sequences left nothing to disappoint. You see 300 Spartans fight to the death in all their glory against countless enemies. In fact, after watching this movie, I had to rent the old version "300 Spartans". It obviously lacked the refined polish and the technological prowess of 300, but it was a surpisingly good movie, with enough of a plot difference to make it an interesting movie to watch despite having seen the new one.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

double rainbow!

right outside my window! I had to take a pic.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Paxilback - Gray Kid parody of Justin Timberlake's Sexyback


Are YOU bringing Paxil back? I LOVE this parody, Ashley hates it though. LOL.

Smart Online Radio Stations

Musicovery.com is a cool site that will let you listen to a variety of music that fits your mood and specific other criteria like genre and years. You can actually select songs, as opposed to Pandora (another excellent music radio service that plays music according to your favorite artist's style) where you can't pick the songs, they're random. Though you can stop listening to the current song if you don't like it.

Cool Online Image Editors

I found these two useful sites for editing pictures online should you be stuck with just ms paint on a computer. Pixenate and webbild.com. I prefer webbild.com, works more smoothly. I edited the screenshots (cropping) with the respective sites.