Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I saw this movie at 1030 am on the day it came out since I happened to be post call. I have to say, it was well worth the wait the past few months. It's probably the best visual and action film I have seen in a while. It was a pleasure watching almot every fight scence in a surreal, comic book style.

One example of the rich depth offered by the characters is King Xerxes as shown above in his well decorated ambisexual manner. The scenes from the movie were abosultely breathtaking.

The action sequences left nothing to disappoint. You see 300 Spartans fight to the death in all their glory against countless enemies. In fact, after watching this movie, I had to rent the old version "300 Spartans". It obviously lacked the refined polish and the technological prowess of 300, but it was a surpisingly good movie, with enough of a plot difference to make it an interesting movie to watch despite having seen the new one.

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