Thursday, February 23, 2006

Watch out, late fee dodgers!

First, here's the article:AOL Money & Finance: - - A New Threat To Your Credit Rating Now. I say good for them! In my mind, if you get a ticket, you have to pay it. If you get a fine, you have to pay it. If you dont return your library books, you have to pay for them! If cities want to start collecting on all these fines, etc. that people owe (and yes, they do owe) I say it's about time. Especially if it will help keep taxes down. It doesnt seem unreasonable to me. I do have to wonder about the cost effectiveness of hiring a collection agency to track down small dollar amounts. I mean, does it make sense to pay a collector $10/hr. to track down a $40 fine? But, I suppose if they werent getting any money out of it they'd come up with a new plan. Or just tax people more. The part that really makes me mad, though, is this Mr. DaCorsi, who seems to be under the impression that the library just gives away books. He says he prided himself on his excellent credit, which would lead one to the conclusion that he's in the habit of paying all his bills on time. So why can't he return his library books? Granted, things happen and whatnot, and library books get returned late, so you have to pay a fine. But c' 10 cents per day really that much of a financial hardship? PAY YOUR DAMN LATE FEES, DUDE, AND QUIT WHINING ABOUT IT!!! And now the poor DaCorsi children are barred from going to the library. They must go to Barnes & Noble from now on. What, exactly, is he trying to teach his children? The library was wrong to want the late fees/missing books that Mr. DaCorsi owed them? Because, yes, he did owe them! So next time Junior wants a picture book, he's going to have to shell out at least $20 for it. Hmm....Barnes & Noble seems to be profiting greatly from Mr. DaCorsi's situation. Perhaps it's all an evil plot? Who wants to bet that B&N is behind this evil scheme to ruin the credit of all library patrons because they're borrowing books instead of buying them!?

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