Friday, August 05, 2005

Lazy Friday and More of Narnia

So today was my last day of procrastinating. I had to pick up my sister from Philly, but my dad ending up driving, so I just accompanied him. It gave me a chance to read more of the Narnia Chronicles.. I am almost done with the last book - I think about 50 pages to go. I'll finish that in the next hour and finally be done... I have to say, I remembered almost NOTHING from this series - it's like reading it for the very first time. I can easily see all of the novels being turned into movies. Since they're so short, you could probably make two or three movies encompassing all seven of them.

Since I was near my "basement", after we picked up my sister we went to my place. I had to pick up something I had accidentally left behind on Sunday, and I also managed to pick up a few study guides. Too many books to read, but it's nice to have them just in case. Maybe I whould get an early night's sleep to prepare for tomorrow... but somehow I doubt that will happen. I can always watcha movie instead - Sin City? A Hindi movie? My sister bought a few that she wants me to see. I, in turn, want her to watch The Family Guy movie (hilarious, as I mentioned, though I wonder if it will be R rated - I can't wait to watch it in theater!), and a DVD I made of her and my parents' trip to California last year. It came out pretty well, though I didn't do any editing and stuff. It's just too bothersome to any cleaning up and soundtracks and so on... Though since most of the video is from a car, it already comes with its own soundtrack :)

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