Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sarkar (2005)

I had a talk with one of my friends about taking Step II (for me) and what to expect on an ADT/things to do before getting there (for him). Helped me docus on how to direct my studying... in the meanwhile, I still managed to make time to watch the new Hindi movie Sarkar... a Ram Gopal Verma film about (surprise) the Mumbai underworld. It's actually inspired by the Godfather, and, surprisingly, is actually an original movie unlike most "inspirations" done by Bollywood which tend to be word-for-word remakes. Though, as my sister pointed out, RGV's films are pretty original historically.

Anyway, the movie was excellent, featuring both Bacchans are father and son. I have to admit, it is kinda cool to have a father and son duo acting together in a movie as father and son. Especially when the father is the greatest movie star ever in Indian cinema history.

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