Wednesday, September 21, 2005

USS Crommelin

So two days ago I got to take a tour of one of the Navy frigates, top down. It was really neat... we went all over the ship including the engine rooms, med holds, operations, command center, xo and the captain's quarters, bridge, and on deck to look at the attack and defensive systems. It's good to be an officer in the Navy.. but I can see how much it would suck to be an enlisted. The person showing us around was an E6, the ship Doc/corpsman. He's pretty much the top ranking personnel after the captain and XO. He takes care of everyone on the ship by himself.. minor surgeries to dental work. Since this trip was organized through the department of Psychiatry at Tripler, the doc was trying to show us exactly what psych capabilities he had. Which was pretty much nothing. They had pain medication but very little even in terms of antipsychotics and SSRIs. Somewhat confusing - considering that they would have no way to get more while on a mission in the middle of the ocean.. but I guess they manage somehow. The ships latest missions have been busting drug runners... they destroyed the last ship they captured in front of the apprehended crew members... took them two hours of pummeling it with their cannon. I took pictures including their R2D2 type phalanx defense system. I will try to post them when I get a chance.

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