Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I am writing this post in retrospect, but today we actually decided to go to Disneyland. I mean, why not? It’s a place to visit at least once in your lifetime. We were going to do something random like the San Diego Zoo, but by noon we were parking at Goofy Level 4-b. Man, it was like a five minute drive inside the parking lot. Which was a GOOD thing because on a random Wednesday in November there is very little traffic in themeparks. Don’t get me wrong–there were plenty of people there, but man, it would have been hell if it were really crowded. The tickets were like 76 bucks each for two parks, but we got our (my) money’s worth. It literally took 5 minutes to get on most rides... 5 minutes to walk from the entranceway to the begininng of the line. Seriously. We must have only waited on two rides (15-20 min) near the end of the day when we were tired and cold (after getting soaked in this ridiculous geyser that was there just to spite us in this water ride). All in all though, it was a great day. We met up with a friend to eat at UC Irvine and then just went out and had fun. Vacation sure is nice.

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