Tuesday, November 01, 2005

LA / Hollywood

So as most of you know I have been in California since last Friday. I have been staying with a friend from College at Huntington Beach /OC area. He has been showing me around as I have never been to California, and I have been having a blast so far. Last night we went to West Hollywood for a Halloween parade and show. It was very interesting to see all the outrageous costumes, the fair in general, and the costume contests (my favorite being two people dressed as a combined house destroyed by hurricanes, representing FEMA: "Federal Emergency My Ass"). They had a band playing as well. Parking was a bitch, but we eventually found a large parging garage with ridiculously cheap prices - ONE buck for three hours and an extra dollar per hour beyond that. After 4 hours we left the area and drove over to Malibu to meet a person staying at this HUGE house by the beach - like a couple of blocks from Pepperdine. The view from this place was absolutely amazing. We hung out there for a bit and then slept over.

This morning we got to see the area in the sunlight and, yeah, I think I need to live in a place like this. Driving up there at 2 in the morning did not do the area justice. We left from there to go to Hollywood to drop off a person there. He showed us around a little bit and then we parked and took a trolley tour for an hour. It was pretty interesting to get the history of the area and to learn about the sidewalk stars and the Chinese theater. We were pretty tired by the evening so we drove to my friend's place at Huntington beach, where I am writing this. We're not sure about our plans for the night, but we agree we need to go back to Malibu to party this Thurs/Fri.

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