Monday, November 07, 2005

New Jersey Gubernatorial Elections

How come Jersey elections tend to be so nasty? According to radio interviews, both candidates were surprised at the amount of mud slinging in this election. Like they hadn't seen the last two elections. According to NYTIMES:

In New Jersey, a swing state often considered a national bellwether, polls showed the race for governor narrowing. The campaign is breaking the state record for expenditures, with the two wealthy candidates having spent $72 million.

Their private lives had taken the spotlight as the Forrester campaign featured his wife in one commercial, then broadcast another quoting Mr. Corzine's ex-wife reacting to the Andrea Forrester advertisement and saying, "John did let his family down, and he'll probably let New Jersey down, too." Mr. Corzine was also criticized for forgiving a $470,000 mortgage to a former girlfriend who is president of a state workers' union. In the last week, both candidates have been questioned about women with whom they were said to be romantically involved, triggering lurid headlines, despite their denials.

The focus on the candidates' personal lives recalled Gov. James E. McGreevey's sudden resignation last year with the startling admission of an affair with a man that his aides said he had appointed as his homeland security adviser. The vacancy in Trenton was filled last November by Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey, who decided not to run.

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