Wednesday, October 26, 2005

USMLE Step II - Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills - and Residency

So this last week was interesting... I took Step 2 Clinical Knowledge on Thursday - nine hours including some break time and then Clinical Skills yesterday in Philly - about eight hours including orientation and breaks. I was getting slightly nervous about having the second exam so close to the first one, but it was pretty easy. I am glad I didn't waste more time studying for it. I'm so glad that they are both done and over with. Now the last two standardized exams I need to take this year are Advanced Care and Life Support at the end of November, and recertifying in Basic Life Support in (probably) March.
My military interviews for residency are already over, but I am applying to some civilian schools as a backup. I have interviews scheduled at four so far (late December and beyond), and I need to call back a fifth to set one up. I am waiting to hear back from three more, but they're probably tougher to get interviews for so they may just say no, especially since they know I am an Army match. In any case, I already met my expectations of getting interviews in (at least) half of my applications, so I don't really care what the other schools/hospitals say. I have about one percent chance of actually needing to interview with them anyway. I will know about the Army in early December, and if they tell me I'm going to DC or Honolulu, I will have to call back all these programs and tell them to cancel my interviews. Which would, of course, save me a lot of hassle, time, and money. Let's see how it goes.

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